Ronald F. Bond
Water Quality Researcher, Field Coordinator
Research Interests
1993-2003-University of Southern Mississippi (Shellfish Sanitation Laboratory)
Prior to beginning my career at the University of California, Davis-Western Institute for Food Safety and Security, I spent 10 years at the University of Southern Mississippi’s Gulf Coast Research Laboratory where my primary duties were to manage field and laboratory logistics for the Mississippi Beach Monitoring Program (1996-2003) and the Mississippi Shellfish Sanitation Program administered by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality’s and the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, respectively. The Shellfish Sanitation Laboratory was the only certified USFDA shellfish water analysis laboratory. We also conducted microbial analysis for drinking and ambient waters for the U.S. Park Service and Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality.
2004- Present-University of California, Davis (Atwill Water and Foodborne Disease Laboratory)
My current research interest is measuring the variability of microbial water quality in agricultural systems. This research focuses on how physical/chemical processes within watersheds and agricultural water infrastructure create ecologically important conditions favorable to proliferation of disease causing bacteria, this includes monitoring and sampling of water, directing data collection of geographic, hydrologic and meteorological conditions.
Chase, J. A., E. R. Atwill, M. L. Partyka, R. F. Bond, and D. Oryang. 2017. Inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 in a fecal slurry matrix when inoculated onto romaine lettuce grown in the Salinas Valley, CA. J Food Prot, in press.
Partyka, M. L., R. F. Bond, J. A. Chase, and E. R. Atwill. 2017. Monitoring bacterial indicators of water quality in a tidally influenced delta: A Sisyphean pursuit. Science of The Total Environment 578: 346-356. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.179.
Partyka, M.L., R.F. Bond, J.A. Chase, L. Kiger and E.R. Atwill. 2016. Multistate Evaluation of Microbial Water and Sediment Quality from Agricultural Recovery Basins. Journal of Environmental Quality 45: p. 657-665. doi:10.2134/jeq2015.06.0323.
Bond, R. F., M. L. Partyka, and J. A. Chase. 2016. Water Sampling 101. Good Fruit Grower Magazine. July 13th 2016. Article by Shannon Dininny-Good Fruit Grower.
Partyka, M.L., R. F. Bond, and I. Hanrahan. 2016. Water Sampling Done Simply. Washington State University Tree Fruit Extension. Washington State University/Washington State Tree Fruit Research Commission/Western Center for Food Safety.
Partyka, M. L., R. F. Bond, and E. R. Atwill. 2016. Grazing management practice implementation and assessment in one or more targeted watersheds in the Lahontan Region, or “Rivers and Ranches” Final Report prepared for the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Agreement Number (BSTP-UCD-11-01).
Partyka, M.L. and R. F. Bond. 2016. Agricultural Water Testing under FSMA-Where to Start: Washington State Tree Fruit Association Annual Meeting, Wenatchee, WA. December 5th-8th.
Partyka, M.L. and R. F. Bond. 2016. Agricultural Water Testing under FSMA: Getting There from Here. Washington State University Extension 36th Annual Food Safety and Sanitation, Portland, OR. November 8th-9th.
Atwill, E. R., J. A. Chase, D. Oryang, R. F. Bond, S. T. Koike, M. D. Cahn, M. Anderson, A. Mokhtari, and S. Dennis. Transfer of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from Simulated Wildlife Scat onto Romaine Lettuce during Foliar Irrigation. Journal of food Protection 78: 240-247. doi:10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-14-277.
Li, X., E. R. Atwill, E. Antaki, O. Applegate, B. Bergamaschi, R. F. Bond, J. Chase, K. M. Ransom, W. Samuels, N. Watanabe, and T. Harter. 2015. Fecal Indicator and Pathogenic Bacteria and Their Antibiotic Resistance in Alluvial Groundwater of an Irrigated Agricultural Region with Dairies. Journal of Environmental Quality 44:1435-1447.
Li, X., E. R. Atwill and R. F. Bond. 2015. Developing and validating methods for accurately measuring the shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by rangeland cattle and assessing water quality. Final Report: Russell L. Rustici Rangeland and Cattle Research Endowment, CAES, UC Davis. March 31st.
E.R. Atwill, M. L. Partyka and R. F. Bond. 2015. Challenges and Opportunities for Implementing FSMA’s Irrigation Water Quality Regulations Washington State Water Resources Association 2015 Annual Conference and Membership Meeting. Spokane, Washington. December 4th.
Partyka, M. L., R. F. Bond, J. A. Chase, and E. R. Atwill. Clamming for bacteria: impacts of human disturbance on sediment microbial quality in two California bays. 23rd Biennial Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conference. Portland, OR. November 8th-12th.