Bennie I. Osburn
DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVP
Director of Outreach and Training
Dean Emeritus, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis
Research Interests
Dr. Osburn’s research has focused on infectious diseases of livestock, zoonotic diseases, including foodborne pathogens, and the ecology of infectious agents. In order to facilitate a better understanding of the complex interactions of humans, animals and the environment, multidisciplinary centers and programs, including WIFSS, were organized and developed during his tenure as dean. Faculty and graduate students utilize a One Health approach in the study of foodborne and waterborne diseases. Long standing and current efforts at WIFSS are focused on training for all-hazards events and their impact on livestock and the food supply. Research-grounded training for dairy inspectors, investigators of foodborne illness outbreaks, and first responders to all-hazards events will help manage the safety of our food systems from the farm to the table. He has also created international programs with eight Chinese universities and colleges.
2015. Angelos, J, Arens, M, Johnson, H, Cadriel, J, Osburn, B. One Health in Food Safety and Security and Education: A Curricular Framework. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infec Dis. 2016 Feb;44:29-33. Doi: 10.1016/j.cimid.2015.11.005. EPub 2015 Nov 28
2015. Arens, A, Scott, C., Osburn, B. A One Health Approach to Wildlife and Food Safety, Jay-Russell, M/. Doyle, MP,(Eds), Food Safety Risks from Wildlife, New York. 241-248, Dec 2015
2014. Kelly, A, Osburn, B, Salman, M. Veterinary Medicine’s Increasing Role in Global Health. The Lancet Global Health. 22,379-388
2013. Kelly, AM, Ferguson, JD, Galligan, DT, Osburn, BI. One Health,
Food Security and Veterinary Medicine. J Am Vet Med Assoc. Mar 15; 242 (6): 739-43. Doi:10.2460/JAVMA.242.6.739
2013. Andrews, K, Chaddock, M, Osburn, BI. Baseline Survey of Progress by Veterinary Medical Colleges in Implementing Recommendations from the North American Veterinary MedicalEducation Consortium. J Am VetMed Assoc. Sept 15;243(6):826-32. Doi: 10.2460/JAVMA.243.6.826