A Day on the Flats

Clamming is a popular recreational sport year-round in Northern California, though the most popular periods are during the late spring and summer when the lowest tides of the year expose tidal flats for a few brief hours at a time.


Protecting Animal Feed Protects Our Food

Although not typically on the minds of the public, regulation and inspection of animal feeds affects them every day, from keeping their pet foods safe to preventing BSE (“Mad Cow Disease”) from entering the United States. Feed inspection is also important to farmers and ranchers by safeguarding livestock feed thus ensuring that the meat, milk and eggs produced are safe for humans as well.


Food Safety Symposium Promotes International Dialogue

The One Health Food Safety Symposium contributed greatly to the on-going collaboration between NAU and UC Davis faculty. The symposium facilitated dialogue between NAU and UC Davis faculty and helped build the foundation of the One Health Center for Food Safety in Nanjing, China.
